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Western Film SFX - Sound Effects
31.07.2023, 15:06

Western Film SFX - Sound Effects
Format: Wav | File Size 608 MB


Western SFX feateries:

796 mixed and mastered, drag and drop ready sounds
71 Gun Shots recorded from REAL guns. Including the .45 Peacemaker, .357 Peacemaker, and a double barrel stagecoach shotgun.
All processed in 4 different styles each to fit your project!
Spurs, Boots, and Holster foley
Tons of gun foley - including spins, handling, cylinder clicks and spins, hammer cocks, bullet shells, and more.
Western punch sounds.
32 Bullwhip sounds

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Категория: Банки звуков | Добавил: GOJHA
Просмотров: 69 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 4.0/1
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